The Generous Change Podcast
Season 2, Episode 47: Greetings from Santa Fe

How do you recenter? Refocus? Recharge? For us, it’s a RETREAT!
What better way to reaffirm your purpose, restate your core values and reignite your excitement than a beautiful getaway? This year, we headed to Santa Fe 🌵 for great food, a tough hike ⛰️, a spa experience 💆 and 4 days of focused, creative time together. Whether you’re a business-owner, team-leader or just need some time away, we’ll share tips on making your retreat memorable and magical. 🧙
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What's Generous Change?
Workshops and courses to take the fear out of fundraising.
We provide fundraisers tactical tools, simple, actionable strategies and fun, inspirational new ways to raise more money and change the world.